Be Prepared To Trade Each Month For Income
Join Our Insight Trading Group!
Looking For A Realistic Way To Earn An Income From Trading? We use our intelligent indicators to find income trading setups and opportunities and conveniently email them directly to you! We’ll also help you create a trading business plan to turn your income goals into a reality.
Who Is This Group For?
This group is for those who already have a very basic understanding of stock options and how to enter trades into their trading platform. If you’re brand new to trading, you may want to check out our Trading With Insight Course first – Click Here!
Independent Traders
Looking to trade for personal income
Trade Analysts
Looking for trade setups for your clients
Business Owners
Trading for your current business
Looking to start a business in trading
How Does This Work?
Every month our team searches for premium trade setups for our monthly Bull, Bear, and H50 strategies (the same strategies we use our intelligent Insight and Targets indicators to find!) We then email these trade opportunities to you at the beginning of each new monthly cycle so that you can be prepared to trade for the entire month!
We Create A Watchlist FOR YOU
We create a watchlist of premium tickers each month for you to focus on for profitable trade opportunities!
These tickers will have the highest win rates for the strategies you’re looking to trade, making them excellent opportunities! So, you don’t have to waste time trying to figure out which stocks and ETFs are best to trade each month!
We Build Trade Setups FOR YOU
Save time with our monthly Trade Cheatsheets full of setups that are already analyzed and built for you!
The “Win Rate” shows you which tickers to focus on trading, the “Target” price shows you exactly where to place your trades, and the “Credit” or “Debit” shows you how to price your trades to reach your ROI goal! It’s basically a FULL Trading System every single month (…for every ticker on the watchlist!) so you’ll know how to trade for the best chance of success!
BONUS Trading Business Plan
In order to truly be successful with your trading, you MUST treat it like an income-generating business.
Simply plug in a few numbers (like how much you plan to start trading with and how much you want to earn each month, etc.) and that’s it! It will calculate how much you should be risking per trade, how many trades you should have open, and your average monthly profit over the next 5 years!
BONUS Trade Journal
Many new or inexperienced traders make the mistake of thinking that a trade journal is a waste of time… However, it is the most important tool in your trading arsenal!
Just add some details and this journal will calculate your target profit, exit price, overall profit, total fees, and more. Over time, this information will help you see where you’re having the most success, greatest wins, and highest returns! You can then focus on those areas to be more successful in your future trades!
Be prepared to trade each month with new income trading setups and opportunities. In addition to the Premium Watchlist and Done-For-You Trade Cheatsheet, you’ll also get the BONUS Trade Journal and BONUS Trading Business Plan to help you reach your income goals faster!
Just $97 $167 (Billed Monthly)
(It’s best if you at least have a basic understanding of trading options already. If not, check out our Trading With Insight course HERE.)
Why Our Systematic Trading Works
Simple… we focus on trades with extremely high probability setups! We have a trading plan to ONLY place trades that are statistically in our favor. That’s our system!
For Example… Let’s say you have a strategy where 86% of the time you can win $110 and 14% of the time you may lose $390…
($110 Profit 86% of the time) – ($390 Loss 14% of the time) = $40 Profit Per Setup
Sure you’ll have some losses, BUT it doesn’t matter. Over time with this win rate, you should still average a $40 profit (over 10% ROI!) per setup you trade… and you can always trade multiple setups!
That’s it! We ONLY focus on this kind of systematic trading where the odds are in our favor. Period. This is how to gain an edge over time to create a systematic ROI per trade!
What Our Members Have To Say…
It really works if you give it a chance
I’ve been with the group for a few months and it’s amazing! I honestly got a little concerned the first month because I started off with more losers than winners. But like they keep saying, losing is a part of trading. So I stuck with it and that’s when I started seeing the average monthly profit balance out. So if you’re like me and you have a bad first month (or 2) just stick with it. It may take a little time but it’s going to be worth it!
8.2% ROI with this trading process
I like seeing the trade setups they send out. It helps me see some opportunities that I may not have found otherwise. So far I’m averaging about 8.2% ROI each month using their trading process and I love it! I even use it on weekly trades too.
This Just Makes Sense!
They’re process is so simple. If the strategy is winning “this much” and I want to profit “this amount” then I need to sell my trades for “this price”. And it really works out.
just follow the ITG process
I trade some of the setups they send out but I like to find trades on my own too. I just follow the process that they tell us about. I like to target a 5% ROI and I use their insight indicator to find trades with high win rates. It literally takes one second to plug in those two numbers to know what credit I need for my credit spreads and diagonal spreads.
Honest and Awesome
They really do want you to succeed with these trades. I love that they’re upfront with you that you WILL have some losing trades, but that’s just a part of trading, and they’ve created a killer process to account for the losers. Such an awesome group!
I love this Insight Trading Group!
They always send out quality trade setups and give you exactly the information you need!
You could realistically earn back what you pay for this group in just ONE successful trade!
Just $97 $167 (Billed Monthly)
(It’s best if you at least have a basic understanding of trading options already. If not, check out our Trading With Insight course HERE.)
Common Questions
Can You Guarantee Success?
No one can guarantee that EVERY trade they place will be a winner, and if they do “guarantee” it, run away… fast! You will have losing trades, but that’s what we expect! Losses are inevitable in trading, so we made certain that losses were built into our trading process. This way, even when you do have losses, the probability of profit is still in your favor!
Do I Need Your Training Course?
If you’re brand new to trading, then we recommend getting the course to learn more about stock options and how to find, enter and manage trades using our trading process. If you already have experience with stock options trading, then you may not need the course.
Do I Need Your Indicators?
If you want to use our trading process to trade setups other than the ones that we send to our Insight Trading Group members, then you will need our Insight and Targets indicators. If you only plan to trade the setups that we send out, then you may not NEED our indicators, but they would be great to have on your charts to reference.
Are You Financial Advisors?
We are a trade analysts and traders, not financial advisors. Everything we share with the group is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to be used as financial advice. We simply look at where the highest probability trades are (based on the current win rates) and we share that info with you! Feel free to seek out a financial advisor if you require personalize trading or investing advice.
What Kind Of Trading Is Expected?
We focus on monthly swing trading where you hold trades for at least one day and up to one month. The number of trades you enter can vary from month to month. With that said, most of the setups we share are directional diagonal spreads, credit spreads and debit spreads! PLUS you’ll even get our “Trade Cheatsheet” each month so you’ll know where to place each trade AND the price you’ll need to buy or sell your trades for to reach your income goal!
Are There Any Risks?
Any type or trading or investing carries some form of risk. Your goal is always to mitigate those risks! You’ll always have the risk of losing a trade, BUT when you place systematic trades (like the ones we share) the probability of you being profitable over time is statistically in your favor! There’s also the risk of assignment if your trade moves too far against you. If you are assigned, you will have to exit the trade earlier than expected and address the assignment. (You can simply reach out to your broker if you need help with assignment!). Again… it’s all part of trading!
How Much Money Can I Make?
This is hard to answer because every trader is different… different account sizes, risk tolerance levels, trading styles, etc. However, our goal is to help you achieve an average 5-25% ROI per month and keep compounding that amount. That may not “seem” like much at first, but when you compound it, your account can grow beautifully! For example, let’s say you start with a small $5,000 trading account and you never trade more than half (50%) of your account at any given time. Ideally, after just 1 year you’re averaging up to $1,295 per month in profits. And that monthly average profit keeps increasing to up to $5,325 per month after 2 years, up to $21,887 per month after 3 years, and so on.
Be prepared to trade each month with new income trading setups and opportunities. In addition to the Premium Watchlist and Done-For-You Trade Cheatsheet, you’ll also get the BONUS Trade Journal and BONUS Trading Business Plan to help you reach your income goals faster!
Just $97 $167 (Billed Monthly)
(It’s best if you at least have a basic understanding of trading options already. If not, check out our Trading With Insight course HERE.)