PRO Insight & PRO Targets Indicators

Upgrade To The PRO Insight & PRO Targets Indicators:

Get even MORE Profitable Trading Strategies… more setups with extremely High Win Rates… opportunities for Higher Profits Per Trade… more confidence in your Conservative Trading… more trade ideas for your Aggressive Trading… more Insight on the Best Trades To EnterBONUS watchlist columns to Find Trades 10x Faster… And more!


With the Pro Indicators, you can choose how many cycles you want to include in the win rates

So, instead of only having the win rates over the past 8 weeks/months (which is the default in the basic indicator), you can now choose exactly how many weeks/months you want! Now you can see not only if the strategy is working RIGHT NOW, but also see if it’s a strategy that has been winning over a LONGER PERIOD of time! This shows you which strategies are MOST Consistent and ideally the MOST Profitable to trade!

Ultimately, having the PRO Indicators can give you the FULL confidence you need to trade: