These watchlist add-ons perfectly compliment our Intelligent Indicators! They will allow you to find, sort, and analyze your trade setups 10x faster (Add-ons are available for the ThinkOrSwim platform only)

Trade Strategy Win Rates
(Watchlist Gadget Columns)
  • This add-on package gives you a column (for each of the 20 trade strategies) showing you the current win rates for every stock. So, you can easily sort through your entire watchlist in just a few seconds to find stocks with the highest win rates for any of the bullish, bearish, or neutral strategies! (included for free in our training course)

Just $47 $67

High & Low Target Values
(Watchlist Gadget Columns)
  • This add-on gives you columns showing the values of the HIGH and LOW target levels (…plus the H50 and L50 target levels as a Bonus) that are automatically plotted on your charts. No more wasting time having to bounce back and forth to your charts or struggling to remember your target levels – all the info you need will always be visible right in your watchlist columns! (High and Low levels included for free in our training course)

Just $47 $67

Price Tracker
(Watchlist Gadget Column)
  • This column tracks where each stock’s price is currently located relative to the high and low target levels. (100 is at the high target and -100 is at the low target). Now you’ll be able to quickly sort this column to find any stocks on your watchlist that have moved towards your high or low targets… instead of wasting time visually searching each individual stock chart for a pullback.

Just $27 $47

30-Day IV Rank
(Watchlist Gadget Column)
  • This column gives you the current 30-day implied volatility rank for every stock on your list – it’s very useful when deciding how to trade! As a general rule of thumb, you should typically sell options when IVR is high (above 50), buy options when IVR is low (below 30), and use your own discretion when between 30-50. (included for free in our training course)

Just $27 $47

Elite Add-On Bundle
(Save $$$ When You Bundle…)
  • SAVE When You Bundle! This Elite Add-On Bundle gives you access to all of the Elite Watchlist Add-Ons. The Win Rates add-on will show you which trade strategies are working RIGHT NOW for tickers on your watchlist… The Targets add-on will keep you from having to bounce back and forth to look at key trading levels on your charts… The Tracker add-on will help you quickly track and see which stocks are currently in the ideal location for you to enter a trade… The IV Rank add-on gives you a sense of the stock/ETFs volatility, so you’ll know if it’s better to buy or sell options. Get all 4 now!

Just $137 $228